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Starting a family business: a good idea? Lorène and Chloé from Si Si La Paillette share their experience with you!

Article written by La Si Si Team
Entreprendre en famille : une bonne idée ? Lorène et Chloé de Si Si La Paillette vous partagent leur expérience !

It often happens that we want to launch a project with a family member. We have known each other for a long time, we trust each other, collaboration seems to go without saying! But is it always a good idea? What should you pay attention to? Lorène and Chloé, the two entrepreneurial sisters who founded Si Si La Paillette, tell you about their experience.

How did you end up starting a family business?

Lorène: We have wanted to start a project together for a long time, because we have an entrepreneurial spirit (thanks to our dad!). Chloe had started her online thrift store business a few years before, and I was finishing up business school. We started by working on an event agency project, then the glitter brand became obvious!

What are the advantages of working with family?

Chloé: there are many advantages to working with family! The first advantage is the trust we have in others. We know that we won't let each other down, and that when one gets tired, the other can take over!

Lorène: The second advantage is that we were raised together, so we have common values ​​and references. We know in which direction we want to move our project forward and what is important for both of us. And even if we don't always agree, we always end up finding a compromise through discussion.

Between sisters, we are obliged to communicate well at work, so as not to damage our personal relationship.

And what are the disadvantages inherent to family entrepreneurship?

Chloé: the separation between personal life and professional life can sometimes become thin, especially when several family members work within the company as was the case with us! We must be careful to always communicate to avoid things left unsaid which create tense situations.

Lorène: we also have to frame things well from the start: what are the responsibilities of each person, who is the decision-maker on what? It was a long process for us, because we both wanted to participate in all of the company's activities!

Now we have found our operation, I take care of finance, distribution and logistics, and Chloé takes care of marketing and product development.

What were the best moments of your life as an entrepreneur?

Chloé: Our appearance on the show Who Wants to Be My Associate on M6! It was an extremely stressful moment, but in hindsight we were super proud to have succeeded in this challenge with flying colors. When I left the set, I told Lorène “I will never do that again!”, but if I had to do it again, I would say yes every day!

Lorène: The recording and filming of our rap clip April 1st, it was my dream since I was little. And more generally, when you work while having fun with the team. We feel like we're going back to childhood and we're not denying ourselves anything ( the clip for the Glittered Angèle was hilarious to do too!)

And what were your worst moments?

Chloé: We had a super awkward moment, which nevertheless became a good memory. We had a very important video meeting with an investment fund. We were overworked and very tired, and just before the meeting, I made a joke to Lorène. It didn't fail: from the start of the meeting, we were overcome with uncontrollable laughter. Lorène had to ask me to leave the room and finish the meeting alone. We sincerely apologize to our interlocutors!

Lorène: There were many times when logistics were complicated: stock shortages, late orders and unhappy customers. It was extremely stressful, we were in the office until midnight sending out orders and restocking, and it felt like we would never catch up. Now it's much better but I still have nightmares!

How do you manage your relationship as sisters in front of your team?

Chloé: We manage this relationship very simply, by being ourselves! I make the whole office laugh by shopping for my grandparents on the internet, live with them on the phone (yes grandma, I got the yogurts!). The atmosphere within the team is very family-like, and this is surely not a coincidence.

Lorene: Completely agree! We share our family activities and passions at the office, including board games, laser games... and rap!

What are your tips for successfully starting a family business?

Lorène: Communication, communication and communication! This is the key element to maintaining good relationships, both in personal and professional life.

Chloé: We must give a framework to the collaboration from the start. Questions to ask ourselves together: how far do we want to take this project? How much time and energy are we ready to invest in it? What do we want to do there? What happens if one of the people wants to stop? It allows you to plan ahead, remove blocking points upstream, and build confidence.

The two sisters' favorite products:

For Lorène, it’s Vegas Baby glitter and Runway Glitter Gel ! For Chloé, her essential is the Y'Holo Gel , accompanied by the Holo Disco gloss !

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